President and Chief Operating Officer Greg Brown is taking over, and director Tom Meredith, the former finance chief of Dell Inc., is acting finance chief. 公司总裁兼首席营运长格雷格•布朗(GregBrown)将接任首席执行长,而曾任戴尔公司(DellInc.)首席财务长的总监托马斯•梅莱迪斯(TomMeredith)将到摩托罗拉出任同一职位。
Rod Beddows, chief executive of Hatch Corporate Finance, which specialises in metals, says there is massive pessimism in the steel industry about current conditions and future prospects, with the worries being most intense in Europe. 专注于金属业的HatchCorporateFinance的首席执行官罗布贝多斯(RodBeddows)表示,钢铁行业处于对现状及未来前景的深度悲观中,其中欧洲地区的担忧情绪最为强烈。
Michael Liebreich, chief executive officer of New Energy Finance, said national policies are just as important as international ones. 新能源融资组织的首席执行官MichaelLiebreich说各国国家政策和国际政策同样重要。
David Foote, chief executive officer of IT research firm Foote Partners, advises current computer-science students to couple their degrees with studies in marketing, accounting or finance. IT研究公司FootePartners的首席执行长戴维?富特(DavidFoote)建议现在的计算机科学专业学生在攻读本专业的同时学习市场营销、会计或金融。
Allow me to introduce miss liu, chief accountant of the finance department. 请允许我介绍一下刘小姐,财务部会计主任。
MS Lagarde, who on Wednesday launched her campaign to become IMF chief, made the promise as she prepared for a tour of emerging market capitals to persuade them a European should once again hold the top job in global finance. 周三宣布竞选imf总裁的拉加德在做出上述承诺之际,还准备对新兴市场国家展开巡访,以说服它们同意让欧洲人继续把控全球金融体系中的最高职位。
At the extreme, a chief executive overseeing the heads of finance, operations, sales, research and the like must spend time on time-consuming, one-on-one dynamics. 比如,对财务、业务、销售、研发等部门经理进行监督的首席执行长就必须将时间花在费时费神、一对一的问题上面。
There were five chief sources of Habsburg finance, and several smaller ones. 哈布斯堡家族有五项主要的财政来源,另有一些小项进款。
The writer is chief executive of Deutsche Bank and chairman of the Institute of International Finance 本文作者是德意志银行首席执行官兼国际金融协会(IIF)董事长
Arthur Arnold, chief executive of The Netherlands Development Finance Company, known by the Dutch acronym FMO, said corruption was development's biggest enemy. 荷兰发展金融公司(FMO)首席执行官阿瑟•阿诺德(ArthurArnold)表示,腐败是发展的最大敌人。
Prosecutors took Eric Yu, chief financial officer, and other company officials in charge of Finance and accounting, back to their office for questioning. 检调人员带走了明基首席财务官游克用(ericyu)和其它负责财会的官员,以进一步询问。
Therefore, three kinds of people are needed in the test, powder-making engineers, experts on agricultural microbes and chief inspector of finance. 为此,试验需要有三种人参加,一是粉磨工程师,二是农业微生物专家,三是财务总监。
Deal with the Chief Goal of Audit of Public Finance: Compliance 试论财政审计的首要目标:合法性
The chief goal of audit of public finance should be focused on: compliance of revenues and expenditures of public finance. 财政审计的首要目标应该定位于:财政收支的合法性。
The finance deepening reform of China with the insufficient mating system supply of related western finance creates the chief reason for the suppression of western finance. 中国金融深化改革与西部金融相关配套制度供给不足是造成西部金融抑制的主要原因。
On the chief reform aspects of the Chinese hospital finance and accounting system 试论我国医院新的财会制度的改革要点
Real estate credits, including those granted to the real estate developers and circulators as well as those to the individuals, are currently the chief business of real estate finance in China. 房地产信贷是我国目前主要的房地产金融业务,它包括对房地产开发企业与流通企业的房地产信贷与对个人的住房消费信贷。